School Selfie

School Selfie2016-08-02T08:10:14+00:00

School Selfie

·视觉探索 - 概念短片2.1k播放1.3k人气值
发布时间:2016-08-02 16:10


school selfie是学校的自画像,记录学校发生的外貌和一些有趣的视点。我爱我的校园和同学,每次观察学校的变化,寻找一个独特的视角。通过school selfie这个项目,展现自我、社会、现实世界的失落感和空虚的现代意义。 School selfie is the school\'s self-portrait,what happens to me by recording the appearance of the school and some interesting perspective.I love my campus, and students.I observe the change of the school every time,looking for a unique view.Through the school selfie,showing the modern sense of emptiness of self ,society, the reality of the world,a sense of loss.

