共振 (Resonance)

共振 (Resonance)2016-09-12T17:41:29+00:00

共振 (Resonance)

·剧情短片 - 其他·纪录片 - 其他3.4k播放1.6k人气值
发布时间:2016-09-13 01:41


*请戴上耳机* Resonance: “声音的延长/延续,通过反射/回响,导致声音放大和持续” 南伦敦有个多层停车场。最初在 1982 年为英国连锁超市 Sainsbury’s 而建,不久之后在 1992 年,超市迁移,停车场被抛弃而成废墟。从 2006 年开始,艺术集团 Bold Tendencies 在每个夏天会使用停车场的顶三层楼来举行艺术,音乐与社交活动。 被荒废了 16 年之久的今天,停车场依然在漫长的寂寥中度过岁月。人类在夏天的夜晚带来的热闹仅仅是短暂的陪伴。通过我们临时的占用,我们的声音进入它的空间,徘徊,回荡,然后消逝不见。或许这些声音在冰冷的混凝土墙面留下了踪迹,在看不见的墙里嗡嗡鸣动。就像风流过颤动的沙漠,画出沙丘的形状。像雨坠入深沉的大地,埋下长长的刻痕。也许我们的声音,也如同风和雨,留下了它自己的痕迹。 (2016.08) Bold Tendencies multi-storey car park has spent most of its life in solitude. It was disused for fourteen years and, even today with the lively summer nights, its company is short-lived. Through our temporary occupancies, our voices and sounds enter and vibrate through the space - they linger, echo, and fade. Perhaps they leave marks upon the cold, concrete walls, resonating within the material. Like the wind that vibrates through the desert, leaving its mark in the shapes of its sand dunes, or the rain that falls and carves its lines deep into the ground, perhaps our voices leave behind something of its own too.


